How Does Hormone Balancing Work?

  • What are the steps to balancing hormones?

    1. Complete the free hormone quiz online, order your hormone testing kit, set up a telehealth appointment and go over your results during your consult with one of our doctors ($45)

    2. Follow-up with your chiropractic or massage appointment

    3. Re-test in 6 months

      It is that easy!!

  • Who needs to do hormone testing and who can be tested?

    Anyone who has experienced hot flashes, night sweats, foggy thinking, decreased sex drive, infertility, irregular or heavy menses, weight gain, hair thinning and/or chronic stress or fatigue.

    Anyone who can produce saliva can be tested.

  • When do I need to do testing?

    Pre-menopausal women should collect saliva, blood or urine on days 19-21 of their cycle. Women with irregular cycles should collect five days before they think their period will start.

    Post-menopausal and non-cycling women, men and children can collect any day of the month.

  • How is hormonal testing done?

    We use saliva to test hormones. It is simple, non-invasive and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

  • What hormones do we test?

    We test the sex and adrenal hormones. We look into estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S and Cortisol.

  • Are supplements safe and can I order my own?

    The doctors will evaluate your overall health to make sure the supplements do not counteract with any underlying medical conditions or prescription medications.

    Our office will place your orders for you to ensure you receive the best possible discounts available. We do not receive any kickbacks for supplement orders.

  • How long does it take for me to feel a change after starting care?

    While we cannot put a textbook timestamp on anything, studies have shown hormones can start to change within a couple of weeks to months. When coupled with chiropractic care and massage, individuals start to feel changes sooner.

    The spine is home to the nerves that control the endocrine system, which is responsible for hormone production in the body. Correcting subluxations in the spine, chiropractic care can help regulate hormone production and improve symptoms

  • How do I make payments?

    You may pay with credit card or cash. We also accept FSA/HSA cards. We can discuss payment plans during your initial consult as well.

  • Have more questions?

    Schedule a consultation with us and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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